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�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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when everything is urgent, nothing is.
2020-01-22 @ 4:07 p.m.

today is just a little entry of small annoyances, since i have so much to do right now and need a mental break for a sec.

1. boss's dad is an old man. i am an old lady, and boss is older than me, and his dad is older than him, obviously. so we're all a bunch of adults here. but boss's dad, bless his heart because i really do love him as my grandfather, he doesn't know how to do anything, and is somewhat forgetful, but also wants to be involved in everything. and he and boss have this insane relationship where they can't do anything without the other right next to them. boss can't decide what to eat without his dad telling him, and then he'll eat shit he doesn't even want if his dad wants it.

i'm like okay, cool, you guys have fun with that. but i really don't need someone up my ass all the time - i am able to make my own decisions and know virtually all of the operations of this place.

but i'm sitting here and a customer comes in and boss has gone somewhere, unannounced. all too common a scenario. boss's dad is half asleep in the register room. i start coming out the door and he's like "where is [boss]? where did he go? when did he go? who is he with? did you call him?" i'm answering these questions as i'm trying to tell the guy that if he has an invoice made up already, i can ring him out. i start looking for the invoice in the spot where we put finished invoices, and boss's dad is like go and ask them if it's done. call [boss]. do this. the guy's name is [x]. i'm like YEAH, i am aware! i start to close out the invoice and he's interjecting all of this shit in the background. i understand he's trying to be helpful but it's really just confusing to the customers and distracting to me.

after i'm done with this guy, the phone rings and a customer wants to know if JC is available. i say no, he doesn't work here anymore. then the guy has questions about a service we don't provide, but one of boss's friends up the street does. i'm trying to tell the guy where it is and boss's dad the whole time is like "who is it? what do they want? do they want to talk to [boss]? what's his name? call [boss] and tell him there's someone on the phone."

i'm not trying to be an asshole but I'VE FUCKING GOT IT, THANKS. go back to watching family feud and relax, please.

2. also boss's dad, just constantly yelling. i think he just likes it, the same way he loves arguing. i'm sitting here in the office and i'll hear a shout from outside. i get up worried, because boss's dad has fallen a few times here before. nope, he's fine, he's just randomly yelling people's names, hovering over their shoulder while they're trying to do something for a customer, yelling orders or irrelevant things to do while they're trying to do a task, telling them they're not doing it right, asking them why they did x instead of y. dude. go. do. something. this is an all day, every day occurrence.

3. boss has no concept of time, or how long it takes to do anything. he'll give me a pile of really intricate customer work to complete, some of which has to go to govt agencies so it's very particular and can't be messed up. 5 minutes later he comes breezing in, like "you done yet?" as he's tossing another thing on top of what i'm working on and telling me it needs to be done immediately. from the moment i walked in today, i have been nonstop busy (except for right now while i'm writing this, and even now i know i have a ton of shit waiting for me). according to boss, everything is of immediate and urgent importance. annoyed, i told him this, so this time he actually told me what he wanted me to do first. but it's like jesus christ, he's like a little kid. you just gave me a minimum hour's worth of work, walked outside and came back in. AM i done yet? what the fuck does it look like.

4. boss's greatest hits include "why can't i ever get anything done?" and "everyone is calling me, i don't get a moment's rest" but he is the one who causes all of this to happen to himself. he gets himself involved in so many other people's business at the same time, and then gets all frazzled that he is constantly pulled away to deal with it. he is a realtor in addition to all of the other shit he does, so his BIL (the one separating from hi sister), one of his friends G2, and his other friend S2, all are trying to buy properties right now. of course boss is like hey let me do it. now, let's recall that he spends most of every day crying about how busy he is doing JC's work full time now that he's no longer here. and that he also spends whatever leftover time he's not crying about that, crying about how AL and TS don't do anything if he's not standing there babysitting them.

so why, pray tell, at a time when you're this busy and can't even keep up with your main shit, are you taking on 3 different real estate projects? when you know you're going to have to go out with them, do showings, do paperwork, reply to all of these emails. like i just don't get it, unless you're just one of those people who love to complain all the time. (after spending now 4 years - 4 YEARS!! - with this boss, i am 100% sure this is the case.)

okay, boss is back. bye!