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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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goodbye to an era.
2010-04-13 @ 9:15 p.m.

i was laid off from my job the day before spring break, and i didn't say anything before now because i didn't want my whole break to be about "oh my god i'm so sorry!" and "what are you going to DO?" because i'm truly not upset about it. i have been miserable for some time in this job, and this was the out i needed. i would have preferred to do it on my own, so there wasn't the stigma of "being fired," but i know that if i was left to my own devices i would have never done it, because it is easier not to change.

the best part of this job loss is the fact that i will have 16 sick days to take between now and june 11. i am planning to take every monday and friday off in may, but that will only kill 8 days, haha. the boy and i are going to go on a mini vacation sometime soon, down to baltimore. i love to do anything with him really, but i especially love these trips and vacations because we have to deal with each other in potentially frustrating situations. it's neat to have a little more insight into the way we work together.

i really wish i could see the future, because i don't ever want to stop loving him. i just want to know if that's ever going to happen so i can be prepared. my heart has never felt so still and so calm before. i've never NOT fought with someone all the time. i've never gone so long without being criticized or belittled.

i know i say these things all the time, but i think i'm still trying to convince myself it's really happening. everything happens for a reason, they say. if so, then this is where i need to be, and this is who i need to be with. i've been a good person, so now i'm just waiting to see how it pans out.