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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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2011-09-01 @ 11:51 a.m.

i saw the lady who used to do my hair yesterday, and she pulled me aside into a quiet spot and said, "you look really great. you've lost so much weight!" and i told her yes, 50 lbs so far. and she told me that was amazing, etc, and i said, "yeah, i can't believe i've only lost 50 so far. i look so different. i can't believe how fat i was." and she said, "you know, none of us wanted to say anything, but you were really getting up there."

i've known this woman since i've been alive. she's a very close friend of my mother's. i think they went to high school together. so this woman i've known so long, and everyone who works at the place that i've been going for my entire life ... all of these people were afraid to tell me how horrible i was looking. i guess i am surprised, but i'm not, really. i just read this woman's memoir of losing 200lbs (half-assed, if you're interested) and she often mentioned how shocked she was that people are willing to come out of the woodwork to tell you how much better you look now, but would never say anything to stop you from getting there in the first place.

so it made me happy. the embarrassment of letting myself go is always quickly forgotten as soon as i think of how amazing, and how healthy, i look and feel now.

i'm not telling anyone just yet, but i am honestly considering going back to school to become a personal trainer or dietitian or something. once i get to my goal weight in a couple months, anyway. if i don't find a job in my industry, then it will be a serious contender. i could work independently, on the internet, in a gym, in a weight loss center (there are a LOT of them popping up around here lately), or i could educate others since i have a teaching license in this state and the one next door. my passion for cooking would only help me. i can teach others to cook healthfully, i can write a healthy cookbook, i don't know. the possibilities are endless.

lately, i feel like i can do anything.