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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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really hateful today.
2012-07-18 @ 4:57 p.m.

i am so fucking grumpy today. super negative mood. i know it's because my period is coming, because i also cannot stop eating food.

it's one of those moods where everything that everyone does really annoys the shit out of me. like i just feel like everyone is grating on my absolute last nerve. my brother for example, which was just one of the many annoying interactions i had today: he's going out to get coke and booze. so i'm like, can you run to the store for me and grab pork for dinner? and he's like, i'm not trying to go to the store though. and i'm like dude, it's just ONE THING, for dinner later! (which i'm sure he's going to want to eat when he gets home from work.) so instead of making it a big fucking deal, i was like whatever man, and just walked away. but you know what? it was a big deal, because then i had to waste two hours of my day getting myself and little A ready, and then going to and returning from the store, when my brother was JUST there! ugh, so so annoying. i just hate it when people refuse to go a tiny bit out of their way for you when you (usually gladly) do it for them all the time.

so whatever. boy is home, but i won't even bother getting my hopes up about that because yesterday we were supposed to do all of this stuff, but instead we had dinner and he just passed out on the couch and wouldn't get up. that was really the beginning of my annoying interactions, actually. because he's laying there, and he KNOWS he's going to sleep and he KNOWS i'm trying to get him not to because we have stuff to do, but he's like, "oh me and little A are just hanging out, watching tv." and like that's cool, because now if i try to get you to stop i'm going to look like an asshole (there's all this annoying backstory about how he supposedly doesn't hang out with little A ever, but he never does because little A always wants to stay at his mom's for like a week, and she's home all day with him, etc etc).

anyway, i've had nothing good to say, so i'll say nothing more.