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�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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i try to drag out the celebration as long as possible.
2010-06-17 @ 11:45 a.m.

my birthday was recently, and i was having a ridiculous day at work. my kids are absolutely retarded this year, and i do not toss that word around lightly. there's only so much you can take of kids with a 4th grade reading level who demanded to be in a college prep class, then get pissed off when there's actually homework every now and then and you expect them to bring a notebook or some kind of writing utensil to class. so i'm asking, as a refresher, for anyone to define irony, and they're sitting there, mouths agape, with this dead fisheye stare set on me. and i'm like really guys? fucking irony please? we've only read like 10 stories out of 20 this year in which irony was a major discussion point. and someone raises their fat little hand and says, "is it the setting?" and i almost shit my pants right there in front of the chalkboard, because i truly still cannot believe that there are 9th graders in the world who are this stupid.

so i texted the boy, who was off, that i was coming home for lunch, and when i arrived, he had my food ready for me. he sat with me while i ate, then gave me a million kisses and sent me back to work.

when i got home later that day, i was told to sit and relax because dinner was being prepared for me whenever i wanted it. i wanted to vacuum the basement, but he tried to refuse to let me do it. i said that seeing the white carpet get clean relaxes me, and it really does since after dealing with my dumbass students, even the tiniest sense of accomplishment is 10x more satisfying.

so after that i went upstairs and put away my mountain of laundry and sang and danced to some music, and felt significantly better. as i folded and hung, i smelled a wonderful scent coming up the stairs. when i was done with the clothes, i tried to go into the kitchen to see what was going on, but was shooed away, so i just played on the computer a bit and worked on some crafty stuff.

i was lead into the dining room which he had completely cleaned, and found lit candles and some appetizers. we ate a lazy dinner (it was such a boy dinner - not a vegetable in sight), then he made me a big brownie that said "happy 27th" with candles in it. i made my wish which i will keep a secret for now (but i bet you know what it is), and was kissed even more before we headed to bed nice and early.

yesterday, i went out with my coworker friends and we got wasted. i shouldn't have been driving a car, but i live 5 minutes away from the tiki bar we went to. we somehow spent $200 on martinis and cocktails (5 of us), and just a tiny bit of food. i went home tipsy as shit and the boy was there, and i told him i was going to take a shower so he needed to come up and take advantage of me.

we had ridiculous wild sex, i didn't go to work today, and tomorrow is the last day of seeing all 6 of my classes, so it's a good way to go out. there's a hell of a lot more to mention, but i have so much to do that i can't even believe it.

right now i'm so dehydrated from my excessive drinking yesterday that i'm just going to relax and wait for my coworker to call me. the end of the year celebration for her club is tonight and she needs me to help her pick up the cake and decorations and whatnot. always another thing.