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�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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all that for weed? really?
2011-01-29 @ 11:47 a.m.

yeah so. monday he was going to go get some weed after work, when his day is usually tuesday. he had texted the dude on sunday and the dude said that he would be around "after 4." so bf and i took that as an okay, text me after 4 and we'll get together. right? how else could you take that?

so monday he's up there, waiting and waiting. he called me and we talked for a half hour, and still the fucking guy never replies to his texts or calls him back. so finally he just came back home and was like wtf? so the guy leaves him this message right before bed, "don't ever come up here without talking to me first." and we were both like what the fuck man!? you definitely said "after 4" when bf asked, "will you be around tomorrow," with tomorrow meaning, the day after sunday, which is monday, and be around meaning, can i meet you like i do every single week. seriously.

so then tuesday. the weather report for the week preceding was that we were going to get 30 inches of snow, then they said it might be a wintry mix, then that morning they said it was going to be between 9-16 inches. they all said, though, that the storm would begin around midnight and be incredibly intense until rush hour, about 6-8am, when it would end. so in the afternoon he calls and tells me to leave to meet him to drop off his car, and i go down there. it was drizzling and shitty and super cold, and my cramps were intense. i got there at 6, and i rushed there since i was held up leaving by a telemarketing call on my cell phone (!!!). he calls me, asking where it is. now this place is on a straight road in the middle of nowhere. it's literally two turns after leaving my house, but it's really really far down the highway. i was telling him, "you pass [the psychiatric hospital]," and before that was fully out of my mouth he's like "oh what the fuck!" and turns around. i'm like, honey. how many times have we gone to this place already? how can you be lost?

while he's all freaked out about where he's going, the rain gets really intense and he calls to say the guy wanted to meet that night. so since we only had my car, should he take me home (30 minutes) then go back out to meet the guy (30 minutes back to the turnpike + driving time to north jersey)? or should we just go together (1 hour from our current location)? i said, why don't we just go together and have dinner up there together, and call it a night? he said fine, so he finally made it to where i was at about 6:45 and we were off.

he's terrified of driving in the rain because he can't see very well in it, so i drove. we're driving driving, and it's dark as hell on this part of the highway because we were in the middle of nowhere, and i'm feeling my back tires slipping a little. i'm like wtf? do you feel that? and he thinks i'm being crazy, that i just didn't want to drive, that i was really put out by the whole thing. i wasn't, or i wouldn't have offered to go in the first place.

but then, he really started to feel my car slipping. he was like, why are you driving like that? and i said, it's the car! and again he's like "we can turn back, i can drive, blah blah!" and i asked him why the hell i would want him to drive a strange car (MY car, most importantly) in this kind of weather when he's clearly stated a number of times, every time it rains in fact, how scared he is of driving in said rain. so we pressed on, and i actually had to slow down to 40 to keep under control. as we go further and further, we see all this snow on the road. i said, "wow, i can't believe they never plowed the roads down here (it had snowed lightly the night before)! this is really dangerous!" but as we made it further and further, we realized that this wasn't old snow, it was new, like, from within the last 30 minutes. almost an entire inch, if not more, had accumulated, and the rain had turned swiftly from rain to snow.

by the time we got to the town that's the 2/3 distance point, almost 90 minutes had passed, when usually it only takes about 40. the snowflakes were huge and dense and when i stopped the car for 5 minutes to run into a rest stop bathroom, the roof and windshield were covered when i got back. it was crazy.

we met the guy and headed back after having a shitty, rushed dinner at taco bell since nothing else was open. businesses just closed early due to the weather, and here we are, a couple jackasses on the road to pick up fucking marijuana of all things. as i drove on, my cramps churned, and the tacos made my tummy hurt, and i was getting increasingly more and more angry. i asked him to drive the way home, but the snow was now at least 4 inches deep, nothing was plowed, and he said he was afraid to. i continued.

the way home, which should have only taken an hour, mind you, took three. i didn't take the turnpike because i didn't want to get stuck on it for 10 miles before i could get off, so i took a different highway that had a lot of lights and lots of places to stop just in case. the lights thing was the best idea i'd had, because the snow was so heavy that without streetlights, i had to slow down to 15 or so just to be able to see where i was going. the visibility was almost zero.

that was north jersey. where i live, it's a lot more rural, so where there were at least tire tracks on the road up there, there was nothing down here. my car is low to the ground, so by the time we got about a half hour away from my house (in normal weather), the six inches of snow that had accumulated were constantly threatening to get us stuck and not let us out, like the many other motorists we had passed. i wanted to stop and help so many people, but if i had, we wouldn't have been able to move ourselves. it was ridiculous.

knowing this, knowing how sore and crampy and anxious and tired i was, he kept asking if we could stop so he could smoke a cigarette, and i'm like WHERE??!? seriously! do you see the road??? i mean, you couldn't even turn into a gas station because the entrances were blocked by at least 6 inches of snow, and more if a plow had rolled by earlier because it just made a deeper wall to break through. and no one smokes in my car. he's like, can you please stop, can you please stop, can you please stop, so finally i stopped at a wawa near my house since he said he didn't want to be snowed in the next day without any. reluctantly, i pulled into the parking lot, which consisted of me slamming the gas and hoping i could propel my car up the ramp without hitting the guy who was stuck coming out.

the maneuver was successful, but i got stuck trying to leave the parking spot. after 5 straight hours of driving, i have to get out of the car and push it, at fucking midnight, because he had to smoke a cigarette. i was at the point where i was like, don't even fucking talk to me. and i could tell he was frightened of me, because he was talking to me like someone would talk to a rabid animal, in this soft, gentle voice.

finally we get home, and it's a quarter of 1 in the morning. i again try to slam the gas to get into my driveway, but only my driver side tire made it in. the rest of the car was stuck, blocking the street. he got out and tried to shovel two tire tracks so i could get in, but the whole car was stuck, so we're out there trying to push my car, snow up to our knees now. he's like let me do it! let me do it! and i just wanted my purse because i was going to go inside and just take a shower. he's like, "wait! wait! let me shovel you a path!" and i was so enraged by the whole evening that i practically hissed at him, "i just want my purse." i swear my eyes must have been slits.

so we made it home, i showered and didn't feel any better, and he carefully asked about it but could tell i was still super grumpy. i put my arm around him while we smoked, so i guess that was a bit of an olive branch. then the only thing that he really had to say until we went to bed was, "well i guess at least when someone asks, you and i can both say without a doubt, that you're amazing at driving in the snow?"

it was so ridiculous that i laughed, and he said, "whew. you laughed. now i'm pretty sure you don't hate me."

how could i, really?