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�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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tattoo weekend, etc.
2011-06-29 @ 9:32 a.m.

man. sometimes i come back here and it feels like i've been gone forever, when it's only been a week or so. it's so comfortable and i guess I am so comfortable here. i suppose that's why my anxiety level has been so high the past week or so, because i haven't dumped my innermost thoughts for too long.

the biggest news is that we took our road trip and half of my leg is done! now i'm at 25% progress on my legs. every part of the experience was the "best part," i realized just now as i almost typed "the best part was." including stopping for a full breakfast, it only took 3 hours to get there in moderate traffic, which isn't bad at all because best friend kept exaggerating how long the drive was. i don't usually enjoy a high carb diet, so getting 2 pieces of toast, a large plate of hash browns, and a huge glass of orange juice at waffle house almost knocked me out an hour or so after we ate. glad i wasn't driving.

the artist, T, hadn't emailed me or best friend back after we sent him our concept emails, so we were slightly concerned that we would be waiting for him to draw things up when we got there, but nope! we walked in and he had our stencils ready, and mine was SO CUTE!! and boy's was just amazing. he was out parking the car, but i knew he would be in love with it.

i was all gung ho and ready to go, and got to go first. you know, it hurt, like all tattoos do, but i gotta tell ya: if you're not tattooed already and plan to get one/many, i would avoid getting one on your fucking shin bone! until you know your tattoo pain tolerance. that part definitely felt like shit, and after everyone was done we immediately made our next appointment for next month because i want to get my other leg started. i'm just one of those people who likes to get everything unpleasant out of the way immediately, so the rest is cake. and really, it's not THAT BAD if i'm willing to go back in a month to do it to my other leg, but i'm just saying. we only got half of my left leg done because the person who makes the appointments is a jackass and never puts in the right amount of time, apparently, but we made proper appointments for next time so i can get my whole right leg completely finished. then i'll only need to get the second half of my left leg done to be done with legs ... for now.

and then i almost forgot to mention how awesome T is. he's just one of those people who are easy to get along with. good/weird sense of humor, doesn't get offended by our VERY un-pc attitudes. i am really happy to give this man all of my money.

so the past couple days i've just been laying around, healing up, cleaning the house. i didn't want to work out just yet because my swelling was pretty bad until this morning, and i didn't want to aggravate it, but today i look okay. what was previously my left cankle is now just a regular ankle. biggest complaint? my leg hair is growing back, and i can't shave, so i'm just this itchy stubbly mess.

i almost forgot i had a hair appointment on monday, and that is only worth mentioning because my hair has repaired itself enough over the past few months that i was able to have it re-bleached and dyed back fuchsia again. ahhh. i feel at least 75% hotter now.

other awesome things in my life include the fact that i actually haven't worked out in a month, have been eating at my maintenance calories, and haven't gained anything. which is great, because that means: 1) i actually know my maintenance calories, 2) my metabolism is normal finally, 3) i haven't gained any fat or, more importantly, LOST any muscle during this period of time, which also means 4) my protein intake must be adequate. it's so nice to be this in tune with my body.

anyway. it's time to go lift some weights, get in shape. i wish i was the type to starve myself thin like someone i know did, but to me, the quick results aren't worth looking like shit in the end.