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�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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weekend recap.
2011-09-13 @ 1:20 p.m.

i don't feel great today. i felt absolutely awful yesterday, but that's because i was crampy as hell. the past 3 days? or so leading up to today i was having these really weird "feminine issues," like i could tell my vaginal ph was off and i was generally tired and sore and irritable. i made fun of a period/ovulation tracking app recently, but now that i think of it, i should probably spend the $.99 on one so i am a little bit more prepared for my "ghost period." as i get healthier and healthier, i have been noticing that when my nutrition is off (ex, excessive snacking/celebration on weekends), so are my normal bodily functions. i'm just one of those sensitive people, i guess. but that's even more of a reason for me to keep closer tabs on what's going on.

ps, why the hell does the boy always want to fool around when i feel like shit? does my aching, churning uterus give off some kind of pheromone that arouses him? so annoying.

birthdays are happening. boy and his son have the same birthday, so he took the little one on a mini vacation after i kept hyping it up and telling him all about how fantastic this particular area is. they had the best time ever, and it made me so happy that it worked out so well because i know boy's never done anything like that before. my dad always took my brother and i to different places when we were younger, trying to give us varied experiences. it was always random, just whatever my dad was into doing that weekend, but it was so great for us because we have an extremely diverse set of interests and can appreciate all different types of activities. little A kept trying to guess what the trip was going to entail in the weeks before they went, but there was no way his imagination could fathom any of it. he'd never been in a hotel before, had never gone out of state to anything, had never been to the types of attractions they visited. boy said that on saturday night, after they had done the bulk of the trip, little A said, "this is the best day ever!" which was pretty much all that either one of us had hoped to accomplish in planning it.

so anyway, there was a dinner up at my mom's last night for the other birthday people. it was nice, and we all had a good time, but my grandmother had nothing good to say about my legs. it was the first time i've gone anywhere or done anything with them exposed. i would be upset about it if my grandmother wasn't 88 years old, and if i didn't think i look fucking fantastic. but whatever, when i got out of the shower just now i noticed my totally awesome bicep development and also how much less bloated i look during my period as i keep losing weight. i still FEEL like a grumpy balloon, but at least i don't look 6 months pregnant anymore. i am pretty happy with myself.

as i was leaving, i told my mom thanks for dinner, and she said that i look good. it must have killed her to compliment me, but i know she's struggling with her weight lately too. she had a hysterectomy, but i don't think that's the cause of most of it. i think it's mostly her stress level (total type A personality working an extremely demanding executive job), and her diet. since she pretty much lives at work now, she stopped cooking dinner like she did nearly every night when we were younger. now she and my stepdad eat out almost all the time. i can never find anything to cook when i have to stay at her house because ... well why bother having anything to cook around when you never do it? nothing is fresh. i'd be willing to bet that if she spent just two weeks cooking from fresh again she'd drop like 5-10 lbs just in water weight from less sodium. i'm going to try to make a plan up for her but she probably won't follow it. at least i'll be happy that i tried.

i've got a lot to do today so i guess i'd better get on it. the cats are giving each other nasty looks right now but i think it's just because i'm sitting here. when i come home unexpectedly sometimes i see them chilling out, right next to each other. like toes touching tails! but if i'm around, it's hissfest 2011. i don't understand them.