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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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pencil me in when you can.
2012-02-19 @ 6:57 p.m.

i kind of got my wish, since we're sitting here together, but he's sound asleep.

see, he was supposed to go pick up the little person today, and that stupid woman said that she would meet him down here at 11:30, so he got up when he wanted to sleep into the afternoon, drove to the place to meet, and she wasn't there. so he called her back and she said oh, i'm not even on the way yet, i had to go do whatever. so he drove even further toward her so he wouldn't have to wait as long, and she called back and said that little person changed his mind and wants to spend the night with his friend, so nevermind.

um, i don't know about you, but i don't know when the fuck an 8 year old gets to make the fucking rules, especially after boy was already halfway there. but his ex is a such a braindead waste of space that she already told the little person it was okay to spend the night, and boy knew that it wouldn't even be fun if he had to go over there and force him to leave. so since he was already almost there, he just stopped in and said hi to him and came back here.

my wish on friday was that i would actually get to see him for a little while this weekend, because i thought that he was going to have little person until monday night, then he was planning to go from taking him home to meeting his dude. he wouldn't be home until 8:30-9. but since ex is a total jackass, i'm happy to have him here with me.

but anyway, the rest of the day after he got home from that nonsense was that we went to super target starving, which is the worst idea ever, because they had such an awesome selection of snacks and things that looked delicious. we went in to purchase only meat for dinner, and left with $117 worth of marshmallows, candy bars, indian simmer sauce, fruit leather, apple sauce, juices, brownie mixes, peanut butter, and i can't even remember what all else. THEN, we went to go pick up the lunch we had ordered. ha! what the hell. gluttony sometimes.

yup, so here we are. he's in his hood, snoring away. sawing logs. i'm wondering how long he plans to sleep, because i would like to eat dinner before it's like, bedtime.

i was trying to tell him the other day that i was feeling pretty lonely. my best friend is making such poor choices with her life these days that i get kind of frustrated with her. boy is gone all day, and then he's been either taking side work or working overtime because the opportunity is there. he brings home a full second paycheck per week, but i see him long enough to say hello, eat dinner, and hang out for 20 minutes before bed. on those rare nights that he's been able to stay up a little later, he's regretted it in the morning, so i don't bother him to. valentine's day was so fantastic, i know i didn't even need to talk about it, because we went to dinner, were so happy just chatting and eating and giggling with each other.

yeah, maybe i'm totally spoiled, but i'm not going to feel bad about missing the time i usually get to spend with him. this fantastic part of my day is gone. there's a job down here that's started, and he's pretty mad that he's not there because he was told he would be, but even if they call him to it next week or the week after, it will be great. he'll be home in 15 minutes. he won't have to go to bed by 8:30.

i asked him if he would be allowed to only work like 2-3 days a week once we get "the plan" in motion, and he said probably not with his current company. that's okay. we'll figure it out. i just want to be happy.