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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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don't worry, i know what i'm doing.
2012-03-17 @ 11:52 a.m.

i'm about to leave in a couple of minutes to go do project #1 with best friend but i'm not really in the mood today. but i'll suck it up and move forward, because there is a lot of greatness that will come from it all. it's one of those days that i'm really just in the mood to be left alone. but most of my days are like that.

boy has been super exhausted this week (isn't he every week?), but especially so because he's been staying up ridiculously late. and i understand why he's been doing it, because when he gets home late and has dinner and has to go right to bed, it's like he doesn't get to live. just surviving to go to work again. so i totally get it, but i really want him to sleep and not be completely spent by the weekend, because he only gets sunday off, and when he has to compensate for lost sleep during the week he sleeps until well into the afternoon on sundays, and is then tired again at his normal bedtime, leaving us a mere 6-7 hours of day to enjoy. i feel like i never get enough time with him anymore.

but anyway, we got in bed last night and had an absolutely delightful time. i was trying to get him to go to bed early, and he blew that away, and then it was 11:00, and he was finally IN the bed but whining because i was trying to blow off (haha) giving him a blowjob. he had said earlier he wanted his ankles and feet rubbed, so i was trying to do that hoping he would just fall asleep, but he was just grunting and fussing so i got in there.

by the time i was done, he was pretty much incapacitated. just twitching and shaking and making hilarious sounds. he wanted to actually have sex after that, but he only made it like 10 seconds, and as he was cumming he was laughing from shock and disbelief that he couldn't control himself, and i was laughing at how frustrated but delighted he was. it was fantastic, and as he struggled back to his side of the bed, he's mumbling, "that was nuts. oh my god. it was so good. so incredible. what the hell did you do to it?"

and i simply told him that i was letting it know who it belonged to.

oops, time to go! dland makes me run late so often :)