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�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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short update, mtv, tattoo.
2013-01-06 @ 7:31 p.m.

oh hey.

nothing new here really but i feel weird when i don't write often. i just have so many things that i am worried and worrying and frustrated about that i don't really feel like fleshing out. i have so many better things to worry about.

boy got laid off again, and while he knew this was coming and was happy to not be on this totally shitty job, he's not happy he's laid off. he's acting like he's cool about it right now but i can tell that by tomorrow, tuesday at the latest, he's going to be acting like a huge douche because he's freaking out inside. i've been calling him on that shit a lot lately because it's really annoying. like earlier today he was getting all short with me because i asked him what he wanted to do, and when he said this or this i told him i was cool with whichever he wanted. both of the activities were things that HE needed to do; i was just tagging along to help out. but he got all annoyed and huffy, and i was like listen man. don't start getting mad and being rude to me because you don't know what YOU want to do and i can't read your fucking mind.

anyway. i meant to write about this the other day: there's this show on mtv called catfish. maybe you've heard of it. if you haven't, it's about people who are in internet relationships with other people, and they want to take the relationship further by meeting face to face but the other person is hedging and making them wonder if they're being disingenuous.

the first episode i saw was super depressing, but the second one was amazing. this large black girl meets this dude on a vampire forum and they begin this amazing online love affair. i mention her appearance only because she had been posing as this super skinny, tattooed blond chick in all of her transactions with this dude until he told her he loved her, she realized she was being an asshole by lying to him, and came clean. he said he loved her anyway, it didn't matter. aww!

so that happened before she came to be on this show. she was on the show because she was trying to get together with the dude and he was being really difficult to meet. the producers look the dude's picture up through image search and find a fb profile with the same dude's picture, but different name. the fb profile has like 500+ friends though and the picture has been tagged and all of that. so they're like wtf, this is obviously the real person. so now the producers were like shit, black girl's getting played! they search the email address or something like that and end up finding this fb attached to it of someone named danny. there are multiple pictures of this chubby redheaded dude, and then curiously, a picture of a GIRL who looked just like danny. then they realize, oh shit - is this person trans!?

so they tell black girl (i can't remember her name at all) and she's like whatever, let's go meet him to check this whole thing out. you could tell she was feeling in a way about being lied to, but let me tell you, when she and danny saw each other the first time, it was the sweetest thing i have ever seen. and then danny's like yeah you know, it's hard coming out to your parents and then going through this whole thing and THEN you know you're lying to this person you love and each day you feel worse and worse about it but you're so afraid of losing them. and black girl just like leans her head on his shoulder and says none of that matters, and she's so happy to finally be there with him. double awww!

i seriously teared up! at mtv! but there were just so many things about it that were so touching. interracial couple, this girl who so unquestioningly accepts everything about this person she's with, and i almost forgot! black girl calls her mom to tell her about the crazy surprising gender thing and her mom is like hey, if it's love and he treats you with respect, go for it. triple aww!!

i dunno man. i know it's mtv but that's some progressive shit. i remember being as excited when queer eye came out back in the day. i was like omg america!? gay people on television!?? i can't believe this is happening!

last thing, got my thigh tattooed yesterday. least painful of all of them. the only thing that really sucks is that i keep forgetting how tender it is, so i'm like constantly trying to cross my legs and rest my computer on my lap and it's like fuck!!. but i love it, love the placement, and especially the image (it's in honor of boycat). he did a great job. boycat didn't really have much to say about it, but he did snuggle extra close to me in bed ♥

ok bye. boy and i are playing resident evil 6 together and he'll be back from picking little A up any minute now. i wish this entry had been more substantial, but no news is good news. especially in my case.