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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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2014-08-04 @ 12:08 p.m.

yeah, so, we got super lucky(?) by the cops still being in the "discovery" phase (whatever the fuck that means) of boy's ticket stuff, so when he called the lawyer the day before court they said that it's now rescheduled to late august. now we have a little bit of time to save up and not be completely fucked when the time comes, nor owe anyone any money.

definitely glad for that time to save up, since the air conditioner just broke AGAIN. i was so excited because we finally had some savings, but they lasted literally only 2 days because they were flying out of my hand again, joining the ~$400 in my super emergency savings account to repair this fucking thing. what the fuck, man? all i need is for the unit to survive until next summer, because the technician said that we'll definitely need a new one if we're planning on staying here for more than a year or so. $2500 for that one. awesome!!

little A is home for the week i guess, which is already so annoying. he is just so annoying. after him and boy both were here for the entire weekend (it's rare for both of them to be home at the same time on the weekends), i said to boy, "i hope this experience has caused you to take the idea of sleepaway camp next summer much more seriously." now he's decided that he wants to play football this year, of course, right? just like he wanted to play baseball every year up until this one, so everyone ran around to accommodate him and his practices in his schedule, which he went to only 1 or 2 of before whining and crying that he was going to miss doing things on the weekends, so they let him quit. $140 registration fee and $150 worth of equipment was just invested into this football thing. can't wait to see how long it lasts. oh, and did i mention that practice is monday, tuesday, wednesday, AND thursday?? awesome. guess who's probably going to get that responsibility dumped on her? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

fighting with boy yesterday, fucking annoying. he's starting therapy on wednesday, which i am super happy about. he's been a huge douche lately and like i said last time, i ain't even got time for that. fuck off then.

the best thing happening in my life right now is that we resupplied, with a completely new, different person, and got some awesome medical shit. $25 more for guaranteed stock, guaranteed quality, and no bullshit, no guilting boy into hanging out and being friends when he clearly just wants to leave. that's how to be a businessman.

nothing to add right now, i just had such a rough weekend and needed to spill it somewhere. there's all this other stuff but i'm not in the mood. and i'm anxious about catching guy best friend before he's gone. wanted to catch him a million times already, all throughout the past month, but any money i had has magically disappeared. now i have a narrow window of just a few days. very frustrating.

life is very frustrating.