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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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hey can you grab me something?
2016-09-12 @ 4:32 p.m.

first of all, yesterday and today were absolutely gorgeous. yesterday it was like 84 and no humidity, and today it's 80. sunny and incredible. i never realized how much the weather affects my mood until this summer, where it's been straight up bullshit hot for long stretches, then gorgeous for a couple of days, then shitty again. being hot and uncomfortable makes me really grumpy, as it turns out.

the other thing is that i like boss a lot, but he can be so annoying sometimes! ER and i have lunch together every day, as i may have mentioned. so sometimes we'll go out to get something and i guess boss will start feeling like we're gone too long so he'll call ER and be like, "where are you? is [tinea] with you? what are you eating? when are you coming back?" and then ER will be like, "sooooo did you want something??" and boss is like no, no i'm cool i'm going to get x. and then we'll get done and start on our way back and we'll be literally like 10 seconds from the parking lot and boss calls ER back and he's like actually can you grab me something from [whatever place you just left]?" and we're like ARGH!!!@#O#)#$~!@

so today ER said you know what? next time he calls me and does this i'm going to tell him we're at the motel 6 and we'll be back in a half hour, and just hang up. he'll be so pissed!

hahaha i honestly can't wait for this day to come because he really will flip out.