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�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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time well spent.
2010-09-28 @ 12:48 a.m.

i just got home about a half hour ago. i was getting ready for him to get here, as we had originally planned, but as the time got closer and closer to his appointment, i started doubting he was going to make it. then he called me and sheepishly asked if i would drive up there instead because he got out of work way late. of course, that was fine with me. he asked on the phone, "do you want to meet at the restaurant?" and i was like hedgy, like "no ...." because i didn't want to say "no, because i want to go back to your house afterward and have my way with you," but he immediately picked up on my tone and said, "OH, you want the cock. i understand." and of course i laughed and tried to explain that i thought it was lame to just drive 70 miles to eat dinner for an hour and drive back home, but he was like "no no. i get it. you're gonna put food in your mouth, then put the cock in your mouth. no more discussion." i'm glad we're on the same page about these things.

the weed he had this evening was the kind that was serious. it's the kind of shit they talk about in movies and magazines. it had a really rich, musky smell, was really smooth but hot on the throat, and had a sour taste (hence the name) that kind of makes your lips tingle. two hits of that and i was absolutely tore up. i have no idea how he smokes this shit and drives around or accomplishes any tasks. needless to say, i was absolutely fucked up but ridiculously horny. we hate a silly amount of food but i didn't feel too full from it, then went back to his mom's house.

we watched jay and silent bob strike back in bed while our dinners settled, smoked a tiny bit more, then i couldn't control myself anymore. i got on top of him and teased him mercilessly, until he got so frustrated that he was just panting. we tossed our clothes off and my goodness, it's never felt so good. that weed made every sensation 100 times more intense, time seemed to stand still, and my orgasms lasted forever. he came quickly and really hard, seemingly surprising himself, accidentally slipping out of me, and all in the same movement he rolled me over and continued what he was doing.

he's never been able to cum twice in a row, so i was kind of discouraged from the get-go on this second round, but i figured i'd give it my all because as you know, i love sex. he had me on my back, on my side, then standing up at the side of the bed because we were afraid we were going to break the antique thing (wouldn't the realtor be annoyed at that), and then he got up to change the movie because it went to credits and he finds that so distracting.

i was sure that he was going to try to hang in there and then call it quits, because again, when he gets up he usually can't get back into the mood. but he came to the side of the bed and presented his crotch to my face, so of course i went to town, then invited him to lay because who the hell wants to have to worry about using their legs at a time like this?

i don't know if it was the weed, but i set about pleasuring that cock like it was my job. every inch of him was in my mouth down my throat, and he was just going wild, and after a while and to my surprise (after 3 false starts like when he was on that goddamn lortab), he came so hard and long that he actually told me to stop touching him because his legs were kicking, his body was spasming, he could hardly breathe, and he was tearing the bed apart.

i just fell over, exhausted, because my heart was literally hammering out of my chest, and really my legs were still shaking from earlier. we laid there for a while in silence and he said, "you're done?" and i'm like jesus christ, what else could you possibly want out of me? and he was like, "no i was just kidding." and i was a little bit worried he wasn't kidding, but honestly i couldn't stand another second of it. sex is like drinking to me ... you can really go for it and have a great time, and you get to that point where you realize that if you have another one, you're going to feel like shit immediately and/or the next day. it's your responsibility to be able to recognize that line and not cross it, so i'm glad i didn't. last time i crossed it, i was sore for days afterward.

so as expected, he smoked another pipe and got super sleepy, so i had a brownie with him, then left. i wanted to stay longer, to spend the night, but i didn't think of packing before i left my house and i didn't want to bother him. i know he thinks i'm a little distant sometimes, but i don't want to inconvenience him. i probably don't explain that very well, but i genuinely don't want to make him get less sleep than he needs, to drive somewhere he doesn't want to, to spend time doing something that doesn't please him. he works so hard and sees so little of it because of his ex. i want every moment with me to be something that he enjoys.

so anyway, it was an amazing night. totally worth the 150 mile round trip. we have such plans for the weekend.