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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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dinner and christmas.
2010-11-22 @ 12:19 a.m.

i'm really far from being italian, but boy says that i could put any italian grandma to shame with my meatballs and sauce (my own recipe btw). i've been wanting to make it for weeks and he's been wanting to eat it, so i thought tonite i'd take it up a notch and make a sunday sauce (since i'm so not italian it feels wrong to call it "gravy") with sweet sausage, pork, and meatballs. it was so good. the only pork shoulder at the store was 10lbs, so i bought country style pork ribs which sort of looked like a similar cut and actually cooked a lot better and with a lot less fat. again, so so good. and worth the 3 hours of cooking.

this post is mostly a christmas list for myself. the weeks are going to FLY BY leading up to it, i know it. i'm going to do my best to have everything here at least 2 weeks in advance so i'm not up until the middle of the night wrapping stuff christmas eve.

christmas 2010, unemployed
xbox 360 for boy done
these delicious caramels for boy
something else for boy, small (demeter cologne perhaps?
this self-lighting, self-contained, retractable mouthpiece and hidden storage compartment (in short, fucking awesome!) pipe for my brother
3 threadless shirts for my brother (1/3 done)
some kind of illegal/dangerous but still cute knife for my brother's girlfriend (who is also our step-sister ... don't ask, it's so weird to me.)
some kind of bowl/mini sherlock pipe for my dad
convertible fingerless mitts for my best friend
? for my mom
? for my stepdad
2 books for my grandmother
handspun yarn and handpainted fiber for my cousin, and
maybe a jar of beans or some kind of powdered mix for her to make soup or bake something?

that's quite enough for tonight ... we smoked our faces off earlier, we ate that huge heavy meal, i took sleeping pills and then took a mocha mint brine bath. my brain is shutting off.