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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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switched gears halfway through.
2011-04-26 @ 10:15 a.m.

had the kiddo this weekend, then had easter dinner at my mom's (for which i cooked the majority of foods, not realizing, but everyone was extremely impressed [i overheard my grandmother speaking to my mom while i was in the bathroom, saying, "she's really good already. i was surprised."]), then boy was off yesterday so we went down to the beach, had hot dogs, then came home and bought my bike (bicycle! boy is into motorcycles, but i'm kinda scared of them).

it was a great weekend, great day off, and i am happy. he makes me so happy. we have such a good time together, doing whatever it is. our relationship is easy. we're straightforward with each other, all the time. it's just in my nature to be this way, and i'm happy i met someone who appreciates that about me and doesn't whine and get offended and make it a big fucking deal.

on the weight front: my period keeps making me gain and lose crazy pounds, like overnight. i wake up and am 206, go about my day drinking water, then weigh myself later and am 202. it's so stupid. i hate being a girl sometimes. always at the mercy of hormones. but anyway, i know i'm losing weight and tightening up because i was still 203 several weeks ago and i couldn't fit in my old jeans. yesterday i tried them, though, and they ALL fit. comfortably! i wore my favorite pair down to the beach and was so happy they were on me again. it is motivating. what else will i fit in in a few months?

also on the weight front: boy drinks red bulls and mountain dews like they're going out of business or something. he also eats about 4000 calories at dinner and dessert time, but he'll never admit that's the problem. so yesterday he walked into the basement all serious and said, "starting tomorrow, i'm quitting drinking soda." and i said okay, because i did that a while ago (i quit everything but water, actually) and he got all mad that there were no good drinks in the house anymore. but anyway, he was like, "i'm feeling bloated," and he puffed out his tiny little belly in an effort to try to get me to see that he had gained weight, but it was so silly looking. i actually think he's kinda cute when he's a little soft around the middle, but i'll never tell him that.

i want to discuss my best friend again, but it just makes me mad so i won't bother. short version of the story is that she broke up with that guy (i think? she lies about these things all the time so the people she knows don't think she's a fucking asshole) but is telling everyone it's because he works too much, but it's really because she called me the other night asking why he wouldn't call her or communicate with her at all for days at a time, and i told her (so did boy) that it was because he was cheating on her, still. it's like her brain couldn't process what i was saying, because she kept ignoring me and going on and on trying to justify his shady behavior. at one point i actually said, "i think you're actually insane, like mentally unstable, if you don't realize that this guy is shady as fuck." i had to repeat that, and that he was clearly cheating on her, about 3 times before she actually stopped talking for a minute, and said, "so you really don't think there's any other explanation?" and i told her absolutely not. i'm sorry, but someone who cheated on his existing girlfriend to date you, then lied to you about continuing to date his existing girlfriend, then refuses to call, text, or communicate with you IN ANY WAY for 3-4 days at a stretch, then explains it all away by saying, "i was really busy," even though you've repeatedly mentioned how much this bothers you, is cheating on you. it's true. the end.

so whatever. we're going to get tattooed this weekend. i don't know if i'm going to be able to get anything done this time because the scheduling is so tight but if not, we'll go back, because boy wants to get going on getting his work done. i say "we" because it's boy, myself, and best friend, and previously her cheating, shady ass boyfriend, but i guess not anymore, but i wouldn't know, since she has lied before and will lie again about whether or not she's keeping a douchebag in her life.

this entry started out all positive and lovey dovey and turned shitty. guess that's why boy tells me i'm not allowed to talk about her most of the time.