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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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halfway there.
2011-05-18 @ 11:26 a.m.

as of today, i am 35 lbs away from my goal weight. i am so excited i can barely stand it.

my body is changing in really amazing ways, and it is exactly the shape i want it to be. my biceps, shoulders, and triceps are noticeable now. still soft, because obviously i still have 35 unwanted pounds on me, but you can clearly see that there's muscle under there.

my waist is cinching in, my belly is flattening. my size 14 jeans fit infinitely better - they're almost getting a little bit too big around the waist. my thighs are actually getting a little bit bigger because of the amount of leg work i do, but that's okay because the boy likes a little waist and a big fat ass.

other benefits of this weight loss thing? i sleep so much better. for SO LONG i was suffering from insomnia. i thought it was just something i had to live with, but apparently it was 100% preventable if i had just started working out.

i might have gone on and on about this before, but finally finally this is no longer a chore. it is now a process. i think before, before i was really educated about weight loss and nutrition and all that, it was just another miserable task. but now that i've finally revised my plan and am seeing little results daily and big results weekly, it's kind of fun. a competition with myself to see how well i can do.

anyway. i feel awesome, but i need a lot more caffeine. the weather here has been crappy and overcast and rainy this whole week, and it's making my sinuses go nuts.