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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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very quickly:
2012-03-13 @ 11:52 a.m.

i did the epic drive weekend and it sucked so badly. fucking ugh. the saturday drive wasn't bad, but driving to va yesterday, ALONE, really took it out of me. it didn't help that when everyone else arrived, they were like (REPEATEDLY), "omg, i can't believe you drove all the way down here for this! what was it, like 4 hours!?" um, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT EITHER, LET'S STOP TALKING ABOUT IT PLEASE, BECAUSE I STILL HAVE TO TURN AROUND AND DRIVE HOME IN 2 HOURS. fuck ME. seriously.

so anyway, she found a dress and it was sweet. sweet as in adorable. there is a lot of really awkward family infighting that's going on around the situation, and we all thought that her mom (my stepmom, i know, so weird) wouldn't be there, but she was. my brother called ahead to let me know that they (mother and daughter) had been fighting before sister in law left, so to watch out if stepmom came in with some kind of attitude, because no one wanted SIL's day to be ruined. i think stepmom was REALLY surprised to see me there, and so was really sweet and helpful the whole day. i don't know if it was because she didn't want to seem like an asshole in front of me, or in front of everybody in general, but the point is that everything went well.

half sleeve is done from saturday. i liked it a lot when it was almost done last time, but i felt like there was something missing. i was going to ask him to do something more to it this time before it was finished finished, but when i saw it upon completion there was nothing to ask for, because i love it. can't wait til april for the next project.

beautiful weather here today. there is a lot of housecleaning i have to do today.