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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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keeping busy to keep sane.
2012-03-27 @ 10:08 a.m.

please please please. i'm sorry. LAST TIME i'm going to talk about this, because it makes me really sad and upset and depressed. all i could think about yesterday was how fucked up and terrible that movie scene was. then i started talking to my brother about racism, and he sent me this.

what else can i say except i could just start to cry and never stop.

so i hate to be complainface, but i woke up this morning with that feeling i haven't had in so long: allergies. why. why why why. i know it's the spring, but i feel like i had so little time without them this year! i was having a crazy dream, then i woke up and the feeling of nasal and brain pressure were already there, like oh hello, good morning, we haven't seen you in a while! figured you were tired of breathing.

(this is the voice that i imagine my allergies must have:)

so anyway, i'm going to try to chill out and get some stuff done today. there is SO MUCH that i need to do. it's overwhelming. but i will list some of it out so i can feel like i'm organized.

  • bake a pie

  • clean boy's bathroom

  • fold boy's clothes

  • pay mortgage

  • log & balance our cash transactions

  • snuggle boycat

  • clean basement?

  • maybe make some stuff to sell?

these things are just things that could realistically be done today, totally not counting ANY work on projects 1-3. we shall see. if my brother calls me, this todo list goes out the window! i can never get off the phone with him (which is a good thing).