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�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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the saga ends, i guess.
2012-04-20 @ 10:02 a.m.

my brother got home yesterday and called to tell me that everything in her room was gone, along with a number of their shared items, but not the ring. he was furious that she and her mother did this, clearly in secret, since he was away and my dad was at work. shortly thereafter, maybe an hour or so later, my mom called to ask if i had talked to him, if he told me about the room, and i said yes, and we both chatted about how we couldn't believe any of this was happening.

in the background, i hear my mom's cell phone ringing. and i was like, i'll wait while you answer it. and she says, well i don't know who it is. so i said what's the area code? and she says, it's a [area code] number. and i was like answer it answer it! it might be girlfriend! so my mom leaves me on speaker while she answers this call, and it's my stepmom calling to say that the girl returned the ring to her, but she wanted my brother to sign a piece of paper saying that he received it back. my mom was like, ... what? and stepmom is like, well i don't trust [brother], so i can't be sure that he'll return it to you, and i don't want to end up in court. (mind you now, that stepmom is married to my father, who is brother's father as well, and the ring belongs to my mother.) so they go back and forth for a while over this, with stepmom just repeating over and over that she still wanted brother to sign something. so my mom came through with her incredible ability to bogard the shit out of anyone (both a blessing and a curse) and said "listen. i trusted your daughter to return my ring if anything ever happened between her and [brother], so i expect you to extend that same courtesy to [brother] and trust that he will return my own property to me."

and stepmom seriously was like, "well with all that's going on, i just don't feel comfortable doing it." !!!? and my mom was like seriously? with all that's going on? asking him to do this after your daughter left him with absolutely no explanation is just adding insult to injury. trust is a two-way street, and they've both done some regrettable things. but i trust my own son to give me back my own ring. you're telling me right now that you have it, and then you will tell me that you have given it to him, and after that it's out of your hands.

so there was a little more nonsense, more of stepmom hedging, but like i said, my mom can fucking steamroll anyone, and she did. then she hung up and came back on the phone, and was like, "... did you hear that? did that really happen? what is wrong with those people???"

i only wish i knew. really.

i wrote an email to my dad this morning because he wrote me one three days ago which simply read, "your thoughts?" and at that time i said i didn't know, but i felt that girlfriend was really selfish and immature with the way she was handling things. this morning, i wrote one back to my dad saying, "i guess it's my turn to ask you in light of current events: your thoughts?" i told him this time my full honest feelings, that girlfriend is a horrible person, and that i feel kind of betrayed. you don't ask some random stranger to be in your bridal party, and then random strangers don't drive 350 miles in a day to watch you try on wedding dresses. so why is she treating me like one? i never got even the courtesy of a "sorry you spent money on a bridesmaid's dress already." my brother never got the courtesy of an "it's over for real, so you can move on." just came home to find half of his shit missing, and all of hers. oh and my mom, who had put down $1500 already to reserve the wedding locations (non-refundable deposits) never even got a call back from this girl despite numerous promises from her to do so.

like what kind of person are you that you have taken from and inconvenienced so many people, and you're just like, "oh well. not my problem." ?

you know, in my desire to live a more positive life i've had to really work to give up my long-standing belief that most people are terrible. and then this happens. fuck family, fuck friends, fuck you. that's pretty much the girl's attitude. no one else matters but me.

what fucking ever.

i'm sure i had something else to write about, but this is the hot topic in my life. the other hot topic is this brutal cold or whatever i'm trying to get over. it's exhausted the shit out of me. i've been drinking tea like it's going out of style, and today i do feel a little better than i did, but i'm still ... weak. i guess that's the word i want. my lungs feel really heavy, and are filled with mucus (which i keep coughing up, so gross) and so doing a lot of things tires me out quickly because my breathing is so labored. and in this moment of typing this, when i was about to write, "i'm going to go take a nap now," i remembered that i have to go to my two stupid banks to withdraw the last of my cash. so actually, i have to go get dressed and drive around for a while. poo.