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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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short and sweet, for me.
2012-04-21 @ 9:12 a.m.

my sweet baby girl (oldcat) has the nicest fur. it's so silky and shiny. she's also kind of beginning to resemble a small melon. she's extra old though (she'll be 16 this summer!) so i'm happy to let her enjoy her senior years fat and happy.

today, i feel 100% better than i did yesterday, but i'm still getting over it. i was talking to boy on the phone yesterday while he was on his way home, and i was like, "see man! you don't need medicine! it's all a conspiracy! the man is trying to hold us hostage to pharmaceuticals!" and he was like wow, you're such a hippie, but totally agreed. i've never in my life been able to get over a sinus infection/bronchitis combo in 3-4 days, unmedicated, until i started eating better, resting enough, and managing my stress levels. it's the damn truth. so to me, there must be something to it.

the only reason i'm writing this morning is because i was reading something that annoyed me so much. people who presume to know what's best for everyone ... i can't even finish the sentence. especially when those people have extremely limited life experiences. oh, so you're not a minority, you grew up with both parents in a stable middle-class household, experienced no major traumas, then went to college and got married and have had a completely normal life? great. that makes you the perfect person to decide for me what i should be able to do with my body and my life. i would love to go on and on about this, but i don't want to sully my whole day. let's leave it here.

i had the coolest idea for a sewing project that i wish i could tell you about, but i can't, because it will be going on etsy and it is the only thing like it. trust me, i've searched high and low to see if anyone else has made this yet, and i have not found one instance. that either means that i am super weird and will be the only person who wants this thing, or that it's a ridiculously unique idea that maybe someone thought of, but has never brought to life. either way, i'm still going to make it, and hopefully i can sell it for some serious bones. there are a few super popular bloggers who i know will be into it, so i plan to pitch it to them (maybe send a free sample) to see if they'll review it and send some hits my way. let's hope!

have a lovely caturday.