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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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time will tell.
2012-04-27 @ 6:57 p.m.

the lemon bars went amazingly. some of those men said they have never tasted anything better in their lives. i was really happy to hear that i could bless someone's tastebuds with my snacks and improve the quality of their day. mostly i was delighted that they all were totally jealous of his sexy ass woman who is highly skilled in the kitchen and the bedroom. HAHAHA omg i almost forgot. the other day we were watching food network and someone referred to a chef as "meat savvy." i laughed and said that was awesome, and he said, "that would make a great shirt for you. in so many ways." love it.

i'm only writing right now because little A is here and i'm just sitting around waiting for our sushi to arrive. i was super mad that boy made me come downstairs and order dinner when i was like, one foot in the shower. my cramps are SO FUCKING BAD today. so so bad. and i just felt so bloated and constipated and i JUST wanted to poop and cry and stand hunched over in the hot steam, but he's like no if you don't then the food will take forever to get here! because they honestly do take like an hour to 90 minutes to deliver. but i guess i'm happy i did, because they got here before boy is even out of the shower, so now we can immediately eat.

also, when he walked in, i accosted him for the motrin i begged him to stop and pick up on the way home. he had his lips all pursed to kiss me hello, and i said "i need to take that motrin immediately." so he looked all disappointed, but like a little trooper who knows that i mean business during period time, he hastily ripped the package open while saying, "go get your drink ready!" it was cute. then, i'm coming around the side of the counter and he's looking at my waist really hard, and i'm like, "i'm so bloated. don't look at me. i'm hideous." and he says, "oh actually, i was just checking you out. your body looks great." aww. well i take back being mad about leaving my shower to order dinner.

my dad and i have been emailing back and forth all day about this crazy shit. he asked first this morning what i would honestly do if i was in girlfriend's situation. and i said honestly dad? i would fucking trust that the guy that i'm getting married to in 3 months is telling me the truth, and that would have been the end of it. it would never have even gotten this far. but if i was still going to be unreasonable and ridiculous, whatever my problem may be, i would fucking talk about it with my soon to be husband! what the fuck! i actually said that for me, there is absolutely no circumstance that supersedes communication. sorry. that's just it. when you love someone, you have to at least let them speak.

little A is playing this dirtbike game with boy, and he's like "[tinea] look! [tinea] look! i just did a wheelie!" so i looked over, and he's trying to do the trick again, and his character looks like he landed it at first but then he crashed, and he's like, "oh. that one wasn't a wheelie. i broke my back." lol.

boy and boycat have fallen asleep. i have to watch little A tomorrow while boy is at work but i kind of have a lot of stuff to do. i never got to do the sewing project from the other day because i've been on the phone with my brother so much. he'll be up here on monday. boy has been expressing some misgivings about it, but keeps saying that it's okay. i'm insisting that he let me know if and when he becomes uncomfortable with it, because all of the worries he has about this are exactly the same as mine. i was like really honey, please don't be afraid to let me know. just because he's my brother doesn't mean that rules no longer apply. it's our home. not just mine.