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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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powered by : diaryland
mission accomplished.
2012-04-28 @ 10:07 p.m.

i had to watch little A today and since he pretty much watches himself for the most part, i finally got on the sewing project. i made a few stupid mistakes that were solely a result of not having sewn anything in a really long time, but otherwise? it came out absolutely amazing!!!!!! boy came home and saw it and said that he really was surprised at how cute it was. he was like, "so, how did you do this? like ... how?" and i said, i just started cutting shapes and layering them and that's it. so he said he was super impressed and started listing off all of the different types of people who would love it and purchase it. i am so happy and thankful that he is so supportive and encouraging. he knows, but he doesn't really know (at least i don't think he does) how much i doubt myself, and how much i put my own ideas down. so i really appreciated this, especially because i DO think it came out fantastic. i'm going to give this prototype to best friend because she's like, the coolest person that most people that she works with have met. she's this tattooed, vintage styled alien in a building full of ridiculously vanilla middle-aged women. she's the biggest asshole to all of them and doesn't really like anyone but they flock to her because she's super trendy. now suddenly they're all into etsy and pinterest. when she shows up to work with this thing? they'll be beating down my door. i can probably forego all of the etsy charges by just delivering them to her job directly.

i always price my items by simply looking at them and deciding how much i think it's worth. totally arbitrarily coming up with a number. and after i come up with my completely random number, i imagine i'm a buyer and decide if i would pay that much for it, and then lastly i decide if it's fair to pay myself that much for my time (usually i end up paying myself less than minimum wage hourly, ha). but this time, i think i am being fair to all involved. i'm so excited!!

anyway. next on the list of things to tackle: stop being so afraid of putting myself out there. i was such a dedicated blogger back in the day and had so many connections. i feel like i wasted it, because now i'm a completely anti-social recluse who can only communicate anonymously. i'm so afraid of reaching out. i can blog when people come to me, but i have such anxiety about approaching them. this is hindering me in so many ways! you're supposed to SELL YOURSELF. is it weird that i'm unafraid of public speaking, standing up in front of an audience, but i'm terrified of private speaking? i don't make any sense as a person.

my uterus is still epic pain. it's time for bed. boy got this xbox game that's all classic sega titles. streets of rage, all the sonic series, ecco, etc. i want a disc of old nintendo favorites, like the super obscure ones! puss n boots, the little mermaid, bart vs. the space mutants, duck tales!. not on virtual console. i want a huge disc of them all. get on that one for me, nintendo. por favor.
