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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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it worked, now i'm amused and sleepy.
2012-08-15 @ 11:09 p.m.

ugh, i hate to go to bed mad, in a bad mood. i just hate how much of a jerk he is when he's asleep! and of course today was great too, just like a nice casual day with most of us home hanging out. i really do value my silence first and foremost, but sometimes having a full house is fun too. but anyway. great day, all that, then grumpy asshole to close. bad timing.

sooooooooo why is life so great? HE IS FINALLY DIVORCED. holy fucking shit, so awesome. such a long, drawn out festival of crap has finally drawn to a close, and he got everything he wanted. custody, child support, his last name back, everything. the crazy drugged out mental hospital trip was never mentioned. apparently she realized she really didn't want to try to answer any questions about that in front of the judge (hah.), so if boy withheld it she would consent to all of that stuff.

so, it is done. boy said, you know i've been going through this five years now (custody fighting)? and i was like man, i've been with you for more than half of that. i know the aggravation part isn't really over because she still exists on this earth, but at least boy knows he can see his kid when he wants to.

so anyway. i'm soooo tired and i'm typing this on my phone. my brother and i were going to hang out after i put boy to bed, but i just texted him: SORRY. GOT IN BED, CAN'T GET OUT. all caps because we like to yell at each other sometimes.