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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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today was a piece of shit.
2012-07-25 @ 10:50 p.m.

listen. i could murder this kid right now!

boy wakes me up from this deep, intense sleep because last night was nuts. he's at work doing nothing and wants pictures of himself for his facebook. so i'm like okay, let me go get some coffee and i'll get on it. so i go downstairs and little A was down here already, getting ready to play the wii. so i'm in the kitchen, filling up the coffeemaker, and i hear this loud shattering! and i'm like what just happened!? and he's standing there holding a wii tennis racket and one of my vintage glasses from my childhood is completely and totally obliterated. he smashed this fucking thing so hard that there was glass two rooms away in the dining room. so i'm like, go upstairs to your room! because my carpet is WHITE and you can't see shards of glass on a white carpet. and then i proceeded to have to fully clean and vacuum the living room before any coffee was in my body, and it took a fucking hour and a half. there was glass on the top shelf of the bookshelf.

i wouldn't be SO ANNOYED if we didn't constantly tell him to fucking pay attention to what you're doing!!! like ALL the time, and especially in the living room. so now i just had to blow the first part of my day cleaning up fucking glass, and i just lost like 2 hours of time that i really needed to be using to do more important things. making time for this this morning was something i was feeling guilty about, because i have other stuff i really need to do, but at this point it's all shot to shit anyway so i'm just going to do whatever.

so what i forgot to write about yesterday (? i think) was this series of comments by boy over the past week or so. they've just been getting better and better. first he's going on -

- this kid really just had the nerve to ask me if i could go and cut up some fucking apples for him after i just spent two hours cleaning up this fucking glass!?!!?!? fuck you!! -

about how in 5 years, we will reevaluate where we live, depending on what is going on with his career. and i was like, wow. i love it that we're talking about things like this right now. there was that period where it was kind of like, maybe someday we'll do x? but nowadays it has consistently been when we do x. then the other day, little A was trying to understand how marriage and last names work, because his fucking douchebag mother has been making this HUGE DEAL about how she doesn't want to give up boy's last name because she wants to have the same last name as her son. we all know she just wants to keep it because she's a crazy fucking bitch who won't give up on something long dead. but anyway, so she's telling boy about how she refuses to agree to giving it up, and he's like, well listen then, i'm going to take you to court until they make you give it up. and she's like, what difference does it make if i still have your last name? and he says that he wants to give it to someone who deserves it. someone who does x, y, and z, all of this awesome stuff that i do that he really appreciates about me. it was so sweet. and then we were sitting on the bed last night, smoking, and i said something, and he said, "hey. i'm in it for the long haul." ♥!

i thought i was really going to murder when i was just sitting here typing this, and my fucking computer froze twice and i had to force restart. really, what else could happen today to needlessly ruin my day? but so luckily, and so much appreciation to google chrome for saving my life, it saved everything i was doing and restored it when i restarted. whew.


some time passed because i was interrupted in the middle of writing this. best friend stopped by even though i really didn't want her to at the time. boy was having an attitude and i wasn't in the mood to hear whatever crazy stupid shit she was going to tell me on top of all of this. but she told me that the guy who she dated last year, who she claims is the guy who caused her to lose all faith in dudes and humanity in general, came crawling back via fb and has supposedly been leaving her messages and all kinds of shit begging for a second chance since a few months after it happened, but she didn't get any of them because her kid's dad was intercepting them and throwing them out. so after telling me how suspicious she was of this guy's motives, she proceeds to tell me about how she went out with him already! and i was like dude!! are you fucking serious!? especially because she's like, this guy was so smooth. she kept mentioning how smooth he seemed. and i was like dude, this is what you said the first time around! big red flags!!! and she's going on about how he's avoiding answering certain questions, and etc. etc. i just was so annoyed that i didn't stand my ground and tell her not to come because when she left i was in an even shittier mood than before.

but then boy comes out of the shower upstairs, where i was folding laundry while he finished up, and he starts telling me about all of the things that he really loved and lost, and that he understands how upset i was about the glass. and then he told me a story that he thought would make me feel better: he was arguing with crazytown about something, and she's like, "so sorry i'm not perfect like [tinea]!" and he said he responded, "so am i." aww.

so on a more positive note, the other day we were talking about nonsense we'd like to buy, and i said i wondered if amazon sold vibrators. like those big, industrial ones that you plug in. so he said we'd check later, but he wanted to know why i wanted it. just randomly? and i said no, actually i was hoping that we could try to see if i could squirt like, a distance! because i never get to see it in the position i'm in on top, but it just feels like it gushes out. so he's like, okay. so last night we're up there doing it, and i'm in reverse cowgirl, which i'm not the hugest fan of, but i'm leaning forward, and he was saying something extra sexy, and then he's like "look! look! you're doing it!" and i'm like a ragdoll, saying what are you talking about? and he's like, "look at your pussy!" and i did, and i actually was squirting! it shot out maybe a foot or so? but it was so cool! it really does happen exactly how it appears to! now i know for absolutely sure, that at least some of those female ejaculation videos are real, and that yes, it is absolutely fucking amazing.

and boy is absolutely amazing too. because he also told me earlier that his life wouldn't be this amazing and good if it weren't for me. i get so mad at him sometimes for some of the really stupid, careless things he does, and for the increasingly infrequent rudeness, but i know he's the best. i tell him all the time. and that's what i did when he told me that i made his life so much better. i thanked him for making me feel appreciated, because sometimes (especially today!) i don't feel that way.

he passed out at 8 next to me and is being miserable to wake up. i had some sexy plans for this evening because little A is gone but i guess i'll save them. ugh. what a crappy day.