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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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what are you dooooooooooooingggggg!
2014-08-30 @ 10:19 p.m.

yeah so boy came home today, determined to sex me up, and there was success. huge success. great afternoon. then we ordered sushi and watched some shows together, and now he's asleep next to me, kitten all stretched out on my right.

i'm feeling pretty good.

this guy J who boy has known for a while fell on super hard times last year, so when boy got in with his new company and started being in charge of picking which guys they would hire on, he always recommended this guy. when he would have a side job that he wanted to get done with a little quicker, he'd call this guy up to help him out and split the pay with him. he was always super appreciative because there were times that he would call boy to see if he could get like $20 so he could make it to work the next day.

so the other day, J calls boy and says that HE has a job that's pretty big that he wants to get done a little faster. since boy is so awesome at work also, his boss spent like $3k on all of these new efficiency tools, and told boy that HE could pick them, HE could be in charge of them, and HE could use them whenever he wants for any side work he has. bingo. his production potential went from riding bikes to being behind the wheel of a mustang. so he's like, awesome J, and i'm bringing these tools. and J is like, awesome man, i know you really haven't used them much and i'm super proficient at it, so i'll teach you too.

boy comes home yesterday with $200, went today for half the day, and will go a couple hours tomorrow for another $300. awesome! and he's so pumped that he is getting in some serious training on these tools that will not only make him money, but make him hireable at any place he would go.

i said it was so awesome that this has come back to him. see what happens when you're a good person? what goes around really does come around.

my parents paid for my car repairs for my birthday present this year, boy is finally off of work for two consecutive days, and little A has been gone for a couple weeks(!!), so tomorrow we are taking a drive up north to take a walk at a park on this mountain, and then we're getting korean bbq. also also, court on monday only cost like $200 or something, and then boy was placed on a payment plan that starts in a month for the other $400 ($50/week), so we have plenty of time to get all settled on that. i'm pretty sure he has a $2k side job coming up in a week or so so he should just pay it outright when he gets that. and also finally, he's been much more cooperative as far as finances go, so we FINALLY have some money in savings. it's not much, but it's there. i'm going to do a 1:1 bank deposit to hidden secret cash stash i think. anytime i look at my account and i have money in it, boy seems to think that we might as well just spend it! but that's not how being a responsible adult works. so, i'll keep it out of sight and mind. we'll get there eventually.

edit: morning of 8/31:

so last night i was in the middle of typing this and my brother called, which is unusual for past 10pm. i missed it because i got up to go get some ice cream, and while i was calling him back i heard boy's phone going off, which was probably brother, meaning it was probably somewhat important.

when i get him, he's like yeah what are you doing on [date that's only two weeks away]? and i'm like, uh, as far as i know nothing, and boy is working and little A is in school. and he's like oh, well i just told gf that i want to get married, so we're going to get married, and i was just wondering if you were going to come.

dudes, at this point i couldn't even say anything. so your relationship has been going okay for what, like 2-3 months? now it's time to get married? did we forget the epic fallout on the heels of the first getting married adventure? or 6 months ago, which i didn't even write about apparently (because it's just so overdone with them) when gf abruptly moved out and almost moved across the country with her friends because she felt that things were "moving too fast" and other related bullshit*? what the fuck, dude?

and then on top of all of that, he's like, and DO NOT TELL MOM. DON'T TELL HER. DON'T FUCKING TELL HER. and i'm just thinking in my head, all the while "okay"ing and "mhmm"ing him on the phone, isn't the fact that we had to have a conversation about NOT TELLING MOM that was almost as long as our initial conversation an indicator to you that perhaps you should put a little bit more thought into this? so instead of saying some rude ass older sister shit, i was like, "uhhh, did you tell dad?" and he's like yeah, he's right here. i just got done telling him and then i called you. and like, my dad must have been high or something, because he didn't say anything about this! did he just not want to bring down the mood? why isn't anyone telling this guy that he should chill the fuck out for a second with this idea!?

do you know why I am not the person who is telling him to chill the fuck out with this? because if i do that, he will definitely do it. he's that guy. your learned assertion that something is a poor idea only makes him want to do it MORE. so i just took it all in and said okay, i'll check everyone's schedules. and bye.

wow, wtf. okay.

* when i say "other related bullshit," i don't mean to make it sound like gf is completely to blame for everything. there are two sides to every story and she had some completely valid complaints about my brother. my problem with her is that these issues (which were ridiculous and could mostly have been solved with common sense) were all handled in an extremely childish, immature way, which a) indicates she might not be ready for this big of a commitment so soon after that, and b) leads me to believe that it could happen again. so in other words, "other related bullshit" when it comes to gf means "some valid points but also a good amount of dumbassery."