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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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the promise of tomorrow.
2016-07-20 @ 12:21 p.m.

i never write, now here i am writing too much lately.

is there really such a thing? but i digress.

i'm just super excited because i went to a new doctor today and didn't get the usual brush-off. she actually listened to all of my problems - ALL of them - and didn't default to the usual "okay, well here's a prescription for some advil." instead, she considered how everything interacted and what it could mean, and said that it really sounds like i have fibromyalgia or lyme (again? ugh). of course she's not sure, but she ordered a huuuuuge list of tests for me and said, "we'll figure this out."

THANK YOU! i know doctors see a ton of people every day and everyone has something different going on and there are people who are hypochondriacs and pill-seekers and all kinds of other stuff. but when there's a person in front of you who's like yeah, i've been suffering some mystery ailment for years now, it's impacting my life in a pretty negative way, i don't know, i'd feel pretty compelled to at least try to help them since that's what i signed up for in medical school. but again, i digress. this is no time for bitterness, but celebration.

there are still some shitty things, but honestly each day i feel just a little bit closer to a new and different life.