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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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any day.
2017-07-28 @ 6:53 p.m.

drive up and try to park somewhere. sometimes the parking lot is packed so i can't even get in and have to back out into the street to go around the block and park there.

if i come from the street, must stop and say hello to everyone outside. they all tell me what i've missed so far during the day and what is boss's mood. if i manage to find a parking spot, stop by and say hello to the offices i walk by (JC, ER). but usually try to slip by unnoticed.

enter our office, set my things down. set up my computer, or if i left it overnight, restart it. it gets fucky once it's been left on for a while. run any scheduled updates, restart again.

turn on pandora. get the volume just right. remove shoes, sometimes sweater if it's really hot. open/close windows, turn on/off heat/ac.

open chrome. open a window for me, a window for boss. check my email. check his calendar, then check all of his emails.

make myself a todo list, reply to emails. think about what i want for lunch.

if i didn't already, go outside and say hello to ER. shoot the shit for a while, even if i've already said hi to him. discuss lunch options, sold stuff, what needs to be updated on the website.

try to locate boss if he hasn't spotted me already. say hello. he asks what the plan is for lunch. sometimes he's in on it with us, sometimes not. get briefed on the important things to be done today.

by now it's usually time for lunch. pick it up, eat with ER and AL. say goodbye, return to my office. catch up with boss for 10 minutes before he runs off.

remove shoes again and resume playing pandora. either 4 hours of computer work, phone calls, and texting/reading the news await me or we will be out driving around like crazy all afternoon.

get done around 6. time to wind down. sometimes there are last minute errands to run, most times not. sometimes boss is back in the office by now.

if boss is out, he's out until after closing. he comes back and asks me what is on our todo list "because we didn't get anything accomplished today." this is probably 60% of the time.

if boss is in, he sighs heavily and tells me how exhausted he is. he asks me what is on our todo list. if i haven't been out driving all day then i have usually taken care of 20-30% of the things, or have at least an idea of the status. if i've been out all day, "we didn't get anything accomplished today."

everyone leaves at closing time except for boss and me, unless there is something extremely pressing happening over on the other side. we remain another hour or two. i go over and sit with him at his desk. we pay bills, eat snacks, and talk candidly.

his wife calls him 100 times. as i've mentioned before, i think she hates me a little, but never acts like it because i'm always really nice. and she is too. but she never calls as many times a day as she does in the evening when she knows it's just us.

he tells me again that he's exhausted and is ready to drop. i say ok even though i don't mind staying late. i hate getting up early.

we go outside to our cars and he asks what i'm having for dinner. my answer is usually nothing, but sometimes i change my mind on my way home. we discuss things that i need to do on my way in, and what time-ish i should come in.

say goodbye, he turns his way and i turn mine. home we go.

sleep, rinse, repeat.