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�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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spring cleaning!
2019-03-17 @ 11:56 p.m.

my cat woke me up early as fuck for some reason this morning, which was alright, because i got a huge jump on the day. i drank my coffee, pooped, and played with my little dude, then just felt so motivated to get started cleaning. and i didn't stop, all day. i cleaned every stupid little thing. i'm just a month shy of my 1st anniversary here and i have to say, it looks as fresh in here as it did the day i moved in.

i washed every single dirty dish, there is nothing in the sink. i cleaned the counter, the coffeemaker, the stove, the cabinets, wiped down the back door and the light switch covers, the baseboards, swept, vacuumed, mopped. washed down the garbage can inside and out and left it in the sun to dry.

in the living room, i sorted all of the mail, switched the batteries in my fairy lights, cleaned the lamp and the fan, baseboards, mopped the foyer, wiped down all of the shelves of the bookcases, inside and out, cleaned the tv and tv stand, the coffee table, rotated the couch cushions and pillows, vacuumed out all couch crevices, vacuumed my cat's little sleeping pad (how does he even have any fur left on his body with how much he sheds), wiped down the windows and windowsills and front door, vacuumed the carpet.

in the bathroom, swept, vacuumed, and mopped, cleaned litterbox inside and out, cleaned exterior of vanity and sink, cleaned mirrors, put away all of my girl shit on the counter, cleaned the toilet inside and out, baseboards, wiped down the walls, the door, the window and windowsill, washed the garbage can out and left it in the sun to dry, cleaned the shower (clrox makes a new bathroom cleaner that smells like coconut, it was heavenly and worked better than scrbbing bbbles!), changed linens.

i didn't get to my bedroom because by this time my cat had retired to the closet to escape the vacuum and i didn't want to disturb him. besides, i was pretty fucking tired anyway. i did a lot of stuff!

then i had some tea and cookies, did some gaming, deep conditioned my hair, rinsed my hair, and ate dinner. tidied up the bathroom again and played with my guy. he was really excited about how much more open space there is now that i rearranged some things in the kitchen during the cleaning process. he loves running, so now he has a clear path in a few directions.

the problem in my bedroom is mostly laundry which has spilled out of the basket and is all over the floor. i guess i'd better take it to get done because i'm pretty sure i'm down to like 2 pairs of underwear. then it just needs a good vacuum. maybe i'll change my duvet cover and pillowcases too while i'm at it. like with the soup, i should go all the way.

anyway, so i finished all of this and had just gotten out of the shower and was sitting down with another 10 or so minutes to spare before my food was done in the oven. and my brother calls me and the gist of the conversation was yeah, after what happened the other day* (the situation i alluded to with him and SIL fighting like crazy) i want to let everyone know that i'm the asshole here, i was doing shitty things to SIL, i always said she was being crazy and up my ass but she should have been because i was always up to shady shit, i'm an alcoholic (we've all known this for the past ~10 years) and i'm going to start to go therapy.

i was just like uhhhhh ... cool dude? good luck. and he was like yeah if [SIL] and i end up separating because of this, it was my fault.

wtf man, everyone was treating me like i was a fucking asshole when he called me last fall and told me about these crazy fights they were having, like fights after which he said he wasn't sure if he could take it anymore with her. literally one week later he told me they were buying a house, and when i talked to my mom the next day she told me how she was helping them out and i told her to make sure it was a good idea because of the nature of the fights they were having. she talked to them and my brother called me the next day to clarify that they were definitely doing this and that he and SIL were in it for the long run.

and here we are.

i'm not some asshole who wishes to see them fail just so i can say "i told you so" (that's my mom), but i'm just saying that i saw this coming and called it out but was blown off as i always am.

ah well. we live and we learn. i know this best.

anyway, now i am truly exhausted. time for the well-deserved comfort of my incredible bed.

all of my lunches are prepared for the week, the kitchen is clean. today during my little 15 minute breaks while i waited for floors to dry, i sat here on the couch and looked over at my open windows, the cool air and afternoon sun pouring in. it was a perfect moment, a quiet moment of perfect contentment. i even thought to myself that i don't remember ever feeling this happy, even at my house. it's how i know i belong here.

what a great day, what a great life. i hope my brother can find his way here, too.