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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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good things.
2019-06-06 @ 3:27 p.m.

hi! i'm writing at work today because boss was supposed to give me a whole pile of stuff to do but of course he got distracted so i'm going to take a little break. i've been slammed here for the past couple weeks but i got a new game last weekend so i've just been coming home and gaming deep into the night. first game in a while that i've fallen instantly in love with. it's not too hard, the objectives and quests are concise and not just busy-work unlike a lot of RPG quests ("um, my dad needs you to hunt this super rare monster and bring back 99 feathers that have like a 3% drop rate. will you help us?"), and the story is super interesting. i can't wait to see where it goes.

haha as soon as i finished that paragraph, boss finally came in and gave me the bills to pay. it's like he knows when i'm either getting ready to work on something else, or going to pee or eat and suddenly he needs everything. like a little kid.

anyway, so not much has been going on. JC is on vacation until sometime next week so it's pretty nice and quiet over here. i have to cover the phone and do invoices somewhat more often but it's not hectic by any means.

i met a super cool guy in a fast food place last night. not for dating, he was just a local and said he'd never seen me around, so i said i've only been here a couple of years. we got started talking and ... kept on talking for like 20 minutes at the counter. he went to the same high school where i used to teach, and runs several businesses, used to play sports overseas where boss is from, and speaks a bit of his language. i said you two should meet each other because you're in the same line of work, you could probably do some business. then he asked me how i could have gone from teaching to where i am now, and i told him i love it even though i make no money. he said tell me what you make with him and i'll pay you double. while tempting, i thanked him but said i love my job and boss so much that i can never leave him. so the guy gave me his email and told me if i was ever looking, to hit him up because he needs someone like me. super cool.

the best part, other than the new business connection of course, is that they were out of what i ordered when i got there so they told me i could wait 10 minutes for fresh. i said absofuckinglutely and had the freshest and best dinner. thumbs up!

both boss and i forgot to pay me yesterday so he paid me today, like so much extra. i said why, i owe you $30 (he owed me $70 last week but only had $100 bill so we said we'd just subtract the $30 this week)? he's like you know, you're the hardest working person here and i don't pay you enough. so keep this and the $30. i mean, come on. i love this guy. thank you.


now it's friday! i even do it at work! i'm the worst. well at least here, i have an excuse: of course once i started getting into it boss came back and finally gave me all of the rest of the stuff i had to do and actually stayed in the office with me for the rest of the day. we talked at length, and he's seeming more upbeat and positive toward the future, and definitely now seems to want to keep the new place and buy the property next door so we can own the entire corner. after being with him for a little over 3 years, and working so intimately with him for the better part of them, i really think that his seasonal depression hits really hard in november and he stays miserable until march or so. i'm going to make sure i tell him this, and even show him this paragraph, when that time of year comes again because he was going crazy and making terrible business decisions and just acting generally like a wild man. hopefully it will encourage him to stay on top of his mood and try to do things to help himself so we don't kill the business momentum we've built.

boss keeps flip flopping on whether he's going to be open on saturdays so i took the last two off, but he ended up working anyway. so this weekend i said okay, i'm coming in, and he's like i finally decided i'm not. but i'm going to leave a list of work for TS and AL to do. i said cool, good luck with that. they don't do shit when he's here so i can't wait to see them tomorrow. TS lives just about as close to work as i do, and walks home all the time to eat and fool around on a regular day. without boss to babysit him tomorrow i really don't have high hopes. but that's on boss, he knows better.

anyway, that's pretty much it for me! i have so many things planned for this month and a little into july. i haven't been doing anything but cooking, cleaning, gaming, and trying to save my dollars so i can have a blast. best friend and i are celebrating our birthdays together and planning for our weekend with my cousin, which we're all so excited about. then my parents want to have a party for me at their vacation house with my brother and SIL, then we have my other cousin's wedding, then another birthday party for my grandmother.

when i met that dude at the fast food place the other night he said "are you always smiling like this?" and i said yeah, because there is literally nothing bad happening in my life. when people ask me how i'm doing and i say, "super!" or "wonderful!" they think i'm being sarcastic, but no. i'm genuinely just happy. everything is good. my two year anniversary of freedom is in two months. i should start celebrating that, because nothing will ever be the same, including me. and that's a good thing.