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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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surveying the scene.
2020-02-25 @ 11:14 p.m.

i feel like this is about to turn into "cat updates" but i'm so excited today!

while i was asleep this morning, i heard mr. big (i think that's going to be his new nickname, that's what everyone has been calling him, haha) use the litterbox for the first time, which was a huge relief. he tried to be really quiet about it but i heard him.

so he stayed under the bed and i gave him food and went to work, came home a couple of times, and under the bed he remained. i got home and said hi to him under the bed, left him a couple treats, whatever.

so i was sitting on the couch and had just hung up with my brother when i looked over and saw mr. big! he came out on his own! he kept his distance so i just talked to him softly, and he went into the kitchen and started exploring, and ate a little food. he went back into the bedroom and stayed.

i went into the kitchen to start making my dinner, so i started calling him, making kissy sounds, and crinkling his treat bag and he actually approached me. i put a line of treats on the carpet and walked away from him, and he ate them. i waited a few minutes (was cooking), and slowly approached again and asked if he wanted more and crinkled the bag again, and he approached me again and sniffed my fingers. huge progress.

so i made my food and returned to the couch and he started coming and going cautiously, but freely, from the bedroom to the kitchen. he stayed in the kitchen for a while each time, sniffing around, checking every corner, watching me. having another couple of pieces of kibble. he disappeared into the bedroom again, and i thought it was all over, but i heard him scratching around in the litterbox (i moved everything in there after he discovered how to get under it and wouldn't come out). instead he just left a huge poop and started running around the two rooms.

i'm delighted to see him out and feeling playful! i'm so happy for him. and he is SO beautiful!

i can't remember if i mentioned it, but my cat sitter sent me a really sweet memorial gift of mr. chubby a few weeks ago. it's sitting on my bookshelf where i can always see it, and when i was debating on adopting a cat who needed so much help, i kept worrying, like what if he turns out to not be friendly? what if we can never sleep and snuggle together like i used to with mr. chubby? but to see this guy starting to walk around all cocky, running from room to room, an experience he hasn't had in over a year, discovering windows and comfy spots and toys? my heart.

now he's playing with a crinkle toy in the kitchen. this is what it's all about, for real. i miss my little babyboy every single day but i was able to save another life. that's the gift he gave me.

anyway, back to watching this dork being nosy.