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tinea:any of a number of infectious diseases

�what is Man? a miserable little pile of secrets.� - andr� malraux

"i desire to live in peace and to continue the life i have begun under the motto, to live well you must live unseen." - rene descartes


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2019-07-01 @ 8:06 p.m.

quickie, because i have a lot of stuff to do at home and don't want to waste time writing this evening (not that it's a waste, but there's other stuff that's far more important that must come first, so i'm wasting time at work instead):

after spending a lot of time with my parents for the past two weekends, i'm kind of starting to dread our vacation. if they're going to carry on like they did last weekend, and then again like they did this weekend (we were getting ready to leave for the wedding and they were literally screaming at each other before we left, then each proceeded to do passive aggressive/instigatory shit to each other instead of just doing the thing that would diffuse the situation and get us on the road faster) ... i don't know man. i might just quietly slip into the ocean and let it take me.

i said i would always be there for my parents but i realize that at the time, i didn't think it was necessary to specify that i will only be there for them if they're going to take their toxicity down a fucking notch. several fucking notches. they're so fucking argumentative and hateful and just love yelling. even during the wedding, the maid of honor is standing there giving this heartfelt speech, in tears, everyone is listening and smiling ... by MY fucking parents are having a loud conversation amongst themselves, making snide comments and bitching "is she done yet?" jesus christ.

god they suck. i'm sorry for this negative fucking entry but jesus christ what a miserable couple of people. we had the wedding then our summer birthday party/bbq and the entire day of the bbq they were cursing our other family members, calling them useless, motherfucking my aunt who didn't have her dish prepared perfectly on their time schedule so she's a "fucking moron" and they're "sick of these people, i don't care if we never see them again." the fuck?

HOW did i come from these people, i do not know.

anyway, i don't want to dwell on this or take it home with me, so that's why i'm done here at work. the sun is setting outside my office window and i feel good. i got so many compliments on both the regular dress i wore to work on friday (a bargain on amz!) as well as the dress i wore to the ceremony. i'm really hitting my stride fashion wise. it only took me 25 years -_-

woo, time to go! nice long day.